Wednesday, July 7, 2010


we havent writen for a verry long time but we didnt find a place to right using the internet so we are almost at the end of the expedition and we havent writen on the bloog. that is why we are doing so now. we have been up the mountains in varius huts and up varius mountains. we decided to name the huts and so here we go:
scooby doo house,
haidies house,
con drackula,
Narnia house,
5d house,
all these huts were verry wierd but were a place to sleep in.
on friday we had a long trip to lipea wilnelka or somthing were we stayed in the best place ver in this expadition, we called it heaven. since then at the mountaiun heaven we helped and had fun with all the kids untill we said goodbye to the kids and we are now in krakow and tomorow we are going to visit aushvitse. at 2 am in 2 days we are heading to the airport and back to portugal.
it has been a realy good experiance and i whould like to do it again one day.
post more on the 9th!
ps: sorry about spelling mistakes.

1 comment:

  1. Gui,
    Wow! It's almost over. Can't wait to hear all about your experience!

    Ms. Dietrich

    PS: Don't worry about spelling mistakes - it's great that you are communicating about your adventure!
